Source code for crt.rigid_body

import numpy as np
from warnings import warn

from typing import Union, List, Tuple
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

from spiceypy import spkpos, pxform

from crt._validate_values import validate_scale, validate_position, validate_rotation

[docs]class RigidBody: """ The :class:`RigidBody` class is the superclass to :class:`Entity` as well as all :class:`~.cameras.Camera` and :class:`~.lights.Light` classes. It provides methods for adjusting the pose (position and orientation) as well as scale of a body. Additionally, it provides a SPICE interface allowing for NAIF ephemerides to be used to control the pose of a body. :param position: Position of the body |default| :code:`np.zeros(3)` :type position: ArrayLike, optional :param rotation: Rotation (orientation) of the body as a 3-by-3 rotation matrix that must obey both :math:`R^T = R^{-1}` and :math:`\det(R)=1` |default| :code:`np.eye(3)` :type rotation: ArrayLike, optional :param scale: Scale of the body |default| :code:`1` :type scale: Union[float, int], optional :param name: NAIF name or ID code of body |default| :code:`None` :type name: Union[str, None], optional :param frame: NAIF reference frame name of body |default| :code:`None` :type frame: Union[str, None], optional :param origin: NAIF name or ID code of reference frame origin |default| :code:`"SSB"` :type origin: Union[str, None], optional :param ref: NAIF reference frame name of reference frame |default| :code:`"J2000"` :type ref: Union[str, None], optional :param abcorr: Aberration correction flag |default| :code:`"NONE"` :type abcorr: Union[str, None], optional """ def __init__(self, position: ArrayLike=np.zeros(3), rotation: ArrayLike=np.eye(3), scale: Union[float, int]=1, name: Union[str, None]=None, frame: Union[str, None]=None, origin: str="SSB", ref: Union[str, None]="J2000", abcorr: Union[str, None]="NONE"): self.scale = validate_scale(scale) """ Scale of the body (:code:`float`) This attribute is used by the subclass :class:`~.Entity` and describes how the :class:`~.Entity` geometry is scaled. It can be modified directly using :meth:`set_scale`. """ self.position = validate_position(position) """ Position of the body (:code:`numpy.ndarray` of shape :code:`(3,)`) This attribute is used by the subclass :class:`~.Entity`, as well as all :class:`~.cameras.Camera` and :class:`~.lights.Light` classes. It describes how the body is translated in space. It can be modified directly using either :meth:`set_position` or :meth:`set_pose`. Alternatively, it can be modified using :meth:`spice_position` which uses predefined SPICE ephemerides to calculate a position for a given ephemeris time. """ self.rotation = validate_rotation(rotation) """ Rotation of the body (:code:`numpy.ndarray` of shape :code:`(3,3)`) This attribute is used by the subclasses :class:`~.Entity`, as well as all :class:`~.cameras.Camera` and :class:`~.lights.Light` classes. It describes how the body is translated in space. It can be modified directly using either :meth:`set_rotation` or :meth:`set_pose`. Alternatively, it can be modified using :meth:`spice_rotation` which uses predefined SPICE ephemerides to calculate a rotation for a given ephemeris time. """ = name """ NAIF name or ID code for the body (:code:`str`) This attribute can be used by the subclasses :class:`~.Entity`, as well as all :class:`~.cameras.Camera` and :class:`~.lights.Light` classes. It is used by the SPICE utility, :func:`spiceypy.spkpos`, as the name for the celestial body whose position will be used as the position of the body. This corresponds to the :code:`targ` argument to :func:`spiceypy.spkpos`. Please refer to the `spkpos <>`_ documentation for more information. """ self.frame = frame """ NAIF reference frame name for the body (:code:`str`) This attribute can be used by the subclasses :class:`~.Entity`, as well as all :class:`~.cameras.Camera` and :class:`~.lights.Light` classes. It is used by the SPICE utility, :func:`spiceypy.pxform`, as the name for the reference frame whose orientation will be used as the rotation of the body. This corresponds to the :code:`to` argument to :func:`spiceypy.pxform`. Please refer to the `pxform <>`_ documentation for more information. """ self.origin = origin """ NAIF name or ID code for the reference frame origin (:code:`str`) This attribute can be used by the subclasses :class:`~.Entity`, as well as all :class:`~.cameras.Camera` and :class:`~.lights.Light` classes. It is used by the SPICE utility, :func:`spiceypy.spkpos`, as the name for the celestial body whose position will be used as the origin of the reference frame. This corresponds to the :code:`obs` argument to :func:`spiceypy.spkpos`. Please refer to the `spkpos <>`_ documentation for more information. """ self.ref = ref """ NAIF reference frame name (:code:`str`) This attribute can be used by the subclasses :class:`~.Entity`, as well as all :class:`~.cameras.Camera` and :class:`~.lights.Light` classes. It is used by both the SPICE utilities, :func:`spiceypy.pxform` and :func:`spiceypy.spkpos`, as the name for the reference frame against in which positions and rotations will be calculated. This corresponds to the :code:`ref` argument to both :func:`spiceypy.spkpos` and :func:`spiceypy.pxform`. Please refer to the `spkpos <>`_ or `pxform <>`_ documentation for more information. """ self.abcorr = abcorr """ Aberration correction flag (:code:`str`) This attribute is used by by the SPICE utility, :func:`spiceypy.spkpos`, as an indication of what light time correction should be used. This corresponds to the :code:`abcorr` argument to :func:`spiceypy.spkpos`. Please refer to the `spkpos <>`_ documentation for more information. """
[docs] def set_scale(self, scale: float, cpp: bool =True): """ Set a new :attr:`~.RigidBody.scale` :param scale: Scale to be applied :type scale: float :param cpp: Flag for if the underlying C++ body should be updated |default| :code:`True` :type cpp: bool, optional """ self.scale = validate_scale(scale) if cpp: self._cpp.set_scale(self.scale)
[docs] def set_position(self, position: ArrayLike, cpp: bool =True): """ Set a new :attr:`~.RigidBody.position` :param position: Position to be applied (xyz) :type position: ArrayLike :param cpp: Flag for if the underlying C++ body should be updated |default| :code:`True` :type cpp: bool, optional """ self.position = validate_position(position) if cpp: self._cpp.set_position(self.position)
[docs] def set_rotation(self, rotation: ArrayLike, cpp: bool =True): """ Set a new :attr:`~.RigidBody.rotation` :param rotation: 3 by 3 Rotation matrix that must obey :math:`R^T = R^{-1}` and :math:`\det(R)=1` :type rotation: ArrayLike :param cpp: Flag for if the underlying C++ body should be updated |default| :code:`True` :type cpp: bool, optional """ self.rotation = validate_rotation(rotation) if cpp: self._cpp.set_rotation(self.rotation)
[docs] def set_pose(self, position: ArrayLike, rotation: ArrayLike, cpp: bool =True): """ Set both a new :attr:`~.RigidBody.position` and :attr:`~.RigidBody.rotation` :param position: Position to be applied (xyz) :type position: ArrayLike :param rotation: 3 by 3 Rotation matrix that must obey :math:`R^T = R^{-1}` and :math:`\det(R)=1` :type rotation: ArrayLike :param cpp: Flag for if the underlying C++ body should be updated |default| :code:`True` :type cpp: bool, optional """ self.position = validate_position(position) self.rotation = validate_rotation(rotation) if cpp: self._cpp.set_pose(self.position, self.rotation)
[docs] def spice_position(self, et: float, cpp: bool =True): """ Set new position for a given ephemeris time using SPICE This is done using :func:`spiceypy.spkpos`, where the :attr:`` is used as the :code:`targ` argument, :attr:`~.RigidBody.ref` is used as the :code:`ref` argument, :attr:`~.RigidBody.abcorr` is used as the :code:`abcorr` argument, and :attr:`~.RigidBody.origin` is used as the :code:`obs` argument. Please refer to the `spkpos <>`_ documentation for more information. :param et: Ephemeris time (seconds since the J2000 epoch), also known as Barycentric Dynamical Time :type et: float :param cpp: Flag for if the underlying C++ body should be updated |default| :code:`True` :type cpp: bool, optional """ position,_ = spkpos(, et, self.ref, self.abcorr, self.origin) self.position = validate_position(position) if cpp: self._cpp.set_position(self.position)
[docs] def spice_rotation(self, et: float, cpp: bool =True): """ Set new rotation for a given ephemeris time using SPICE This is done using :func:`spiceypy.pxform`, where the :attr:`~.RigidBody.ref` is used as the :code:`from` argument, and :attr:`~.RigidBody.frame` is used as the :code:`to` argumnet. Please refer to the `pxform <>`_ documentation for more information. :param et: Ephemeris time (seconds since the J2000 epoch), also known as Barycentric Dynamical Time :type et: float :param cpp: Flag for if the underlying C++ body should be updated |default| :code:`True` :type cpp: bool, optional """ rotation = pxform(self.ref, self.frame, et) self.rotation = validate_rotation(rotation) if cpp: self._cpp.set_position(self.rotation)
[docs] def spice_pose(self, et: float, cpp: bool =True): """ Set both a new position and rotation for a given ephemeris time using SPICE The position is updated using :func:`spiceypy.spkpos`, where the :attr:`` is used as the :code:`targ` argument, :attr:`~.RigidBody.ref` is used as the :code:`ref` argument, :attr:`~.RigidBody.abcorr` is used as the :code:`abcorr` argument, and :attr:`~.RigidBody.origin` is used as the :code:`obs` argument. The rotation is updated using :func:`spiceypy.pxform`, where the :attr:`~.RigidBody.ref` is used as the :code:`from` argument, and :attr:`~.RigidBody.frame` is used as the :code:`to` argumnet. Please refer to the `spkpos <>`_ or `pxform <>`_ documentation for more information. :param et: Ephemeris time (seconds since the J2000 epoch), also known as Barycentric Dynamical Time :type et: float :param cpp: Flag for if the underlying C++ body should be updated |default| :code:`True` :type cpp: bool, optional """ position,_ = spkpos(, et, self.ref, self.abcorr, self.origin) rotation = pxform(self.ref, self.frame, et) self.position = validate_position(position) self.rotation = validate_rotation(rotation) if cpp: self._cpp.set_pose(self.position, self.rotation)