import _crt
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from crt.rigid_body import RigidBody
[docs]class Entity(RigidBody):
The :class:`Entity` class stores all mesh, material, and texture information for a body.
:param geometry_path: Path to the mesh geometry to be loaded
:type geometry_path: str
:param color: The RGB color code of the geometry |default| :code:`[1,1,1]`
:type color: ArrayLike, optional
:param geometry_type: The format of the mesh geoemtry provided |default| :code:`"obj"`
:type geometry_type: str, optional
:param smooth_shading: Flag to enable smooth shading via vertex normal interpolation |default| :code:`False`
:type smooth_shading: bool, optional
def __init__(self,geometry_path: str, color: ArrayLike =[1,1,1], geometry_type: str="obj",
smooth_shading: bool=False, **kwargs):
super(Entity, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.geometry_path = geometry_path
Path to the geometry (:code:`str`)
self.geometry_type = geometry_type
Format of the provided geometry file (:code:`str`)
self.color = color
RGB Color code for the geometry (:code:`ArrayLike`)
self.smooth_shading = smooth_shading
Flag to enable smooth shading via vertex normal interpolation (:code:`bool`)
self._cpp = _crt.Entity(self.geometry_path, self.geometry_type, self.smooth_shading, self.color)
Corresponding C++ Entity object