import _crt
import numpy as np
from typing import Union, List, Tuple
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from crt.cameras import Camera
from crt.lights import Light
from crt.rigid_body import RigidBody
[docs]class BodyFixedEntity(RigidBody):
The :class:`BodyFixedEntity` class stores all mesh, material, and texture information for a body fixed geometry
:param geometry_path: Path to the mesh geometry to be loaded
:type geometry_path: str
:param color: The RGB color code of the geometry |default| :code:`[1,1,1]`
:type color: ArrayLike, optional
:param geometry_type: The format of the mesh geoemtry provided |default| :code:`"obj"`
:type geometry_type: str, optional
:param smooth_shading: Flag to enable smooth shading via vertex normal interpolation |default| :code:`False`
:type smooth_shading: bool, optional
def __init__(self, geometry_path: str, color: ArrayLike =[1,1,1], geometry_type: str="obj",
smooth_shading: bool=False, **kwargs):
super(BodyFixedEntity, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.geometry_path = geometry_path
Path to the geometry (:code:`str`)
self.geometry_type = geometry_type
Format of the provided geometry file (:code:`str`)
self.color = color
RGB Color code for the geometry (:code:`ArrayLike`)
self.smooth_shading = smooth_shading
Flag to enable smooth shading via vertex normal interpolation (:code:`bool`)
self._cpp = _crt.BodyFixedEntity(self.geometry_path, self.geometry_type, self.smooth_shading, self.color)
Corresponding C++ Entity object
self.set_pose(self.position, self.rotation)
[docs]class BodyFixedGroup(RigidBody):
Group of body fixed entities so that rendering occures in the body frame, allowing for the
bounding volume heirarchy to be cached inbetween renderings
:param entities: BodyFixedEntity/Entities against which ray tracing is performed
:type entities: Union[BodyFixedEntity, List[BodyFixedEntity], Tuple[BodyFixedEntity,...]]
def __init__(self, entities: Union[BodyFixedEntity, List[BodyFixedEntity], Tuple[BodyFixedEntity,...]],
super(BodyFixedGroup, self).__init__(**kwargs)
err_msg = """error"""
# Validate the input body fixed entities:
entities_cpp = []
if (type(entities) == list) or (type(entities) == tuple):
for entity in entities:
assert(type(entity) == BodyFixedEntity, err_msg)
assert(type(entities) == BodyFixedEntity, err_msg)
self._cpp = _crt.BodyFixedGroup(entities_cpp)
Corresponding C++ BodyFixedGroup object
self.set_pose(self.position, self.rotation, cpp=False)
self.set_scale(self.scale, cpp=False)
[docs] def transform_to_body(self, position: ArrayLike, rotation: ArrayLike) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Transform provided position and rotation into the body fixed frame
:param position: Input position represented in the base reference frame
:type position: ArrayLike
:param rotation: Input rotation represented in the base reference frame
:type rotation: ArrayLike
:return: position and rotation transformed into the body fixed frame
:rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
relative_position = position - self.position
relative_position = np.matmul(self.rotation, relative_position)
relative_rotation = np.matmul(self.rotation, rotation.T).T
return relative_position, relative_rotation
# def transform_from_body(self, relative_position, relative_rotation):
# # TODO: Implement this
# return position, rotation
[docs] def render(self, camera: Camera, lights: Union[Light, List[Light], Tuple[Light,...]],
min_samples: int=1, max_samples: int=1, noise_threshold: float=1., num_bounces: int=1) -> np.ndarray:
Render a scene with a set of grouped body fixed entities.
:param camera: Camera model to be used for generatring rays
:type camera: Camera
:param lights: ight(s) to be used for rendering
:type lights: Union[Light, List[Light], Tuple[Light,...]]
:param min_samples: Minimum number of ray samples per pixel |default| :code:`1`
:type min_samples: int, optional
:param max_samples: Maximum number of ray samples per pixel |default| :code:`1`
:type max_samples: int, optional
:param noise_threshold: Pixel noise threshold for adaptive sampling |default| :code:`1`
:type noise_threshold: float, optional
:param num_bounces: Number of ray bounces |default| :code:`1`
:type num_bounces: int, optional
:return: Rendered image
:rtype: np.ndarray
# Transform camera into BodyFixedGroupd frame:
relative_position, relative_rotation = self.transform_to_body(camera.position, camera.rotation)
camera.set_pose(relative_position, relative_rotation)
lights_cpp = []
for light in lights:
relative_position, relative_rotation = self.transform_to_body(light.position, light.rotation)
light.set_pose(relative_position, relative_rotation)
image = self._cpp.render(camera._cpp, lights_cpp,
min_samples, max_samples, noise_threshold, num_bounces)
return image
[docs] def normal_pass(self, camera: Camera,
return_image: bool = False) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
Perform a normal pass with body fixed entities
:param camera: Camera model to be used for generating rays
:type camera: Camera
:param return_image: Flag to return an image representation of the intersected normals |default| :code:`False`
:type return_image: bool, optional
:return: An array of the intersected normals. If :code:`return_image` is set to :code:`True`, then an image
where the normal XYZ values are represented using RGB color values is returned as a second output.
:rtype: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray)]
# Transform camera into BodyFixedGroup frame:
relative_position, relative_rotation = self.transform_to_body(camera.position, camera.rotation)
camera.set_pose(relative_position, relative_rotation)
normals = self._cpp.normal_pass(camera._cpp)
if return_image:
image = 255*np.abs(normals)
return normals, image
return normals
[docs] def intersection_pass(self, camera: Camera,
return_image: bool=False) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
Perform a normal pass with body fixed entities
:param camera: Camera model to be used for generating rays
:type camera: Camera
:param return_image: Flag to return an image representation of the intersection depth |default| :code:`False`
:type return_image: bool, optional
:return: An array of the intersected points. If :code:`return_image` is set to :code:`True`, then an image
where the distance to each intersected point is represented via pixel intensity is returned
as a second output.
:rtype: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray)]
# Transform camera into BodyFixedGroup frame:
relative_position, relative_rotation = self.transform_to_body(camera.position, camera.rotation)
camera.set_pose(relative_position, relative_rotation)
intersections = self._cpp.intersection_pass(camera._cpp)
if return_image:
image = np.sqrt(intersections[:,:,0]**2 + intersections[:,:,1]**2 + intersections[:,:,2]**2)
image = image - np.min(image)
image = 255*image/np.max(image)
return intersections, image
return intersections
[docs] def instance_pass(self, camera: Camera,
return_image: bool=False) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
Perform an instance segmentation pass with body fixed entities
:param camera: Camera model to be used for generating rays
:type camera: Camera
:param return_image: Flag to return an image representation of the instances |default| :code:`False`
:type return_image: bool, optional
:return: An array unique id codes for each unique entity intersected. If :code:`return_image` is set
to :code:`True`, then an image where each unique id is represented with a unique RGB color
is returned as a second output.
:rtype: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray)]
# Transform camera into BodyFixedGroup frame:
relative_position, relative_rotation = self.transform_to_body(camera.position, camera.rotation)
camera.set_pose(relative_position, relative_rotation)
instances = self._cpp.instance_pass(camera._cpp)
if return_image:
unique_ids = np.unique(instances)
colors = np.random.randint(0, high=255, size=(3,unique_ids.size))
image = np.zeros((instances.shape[0], instances.shape[1], 3))
for idx, id in enumerate(unique_ids):
mask = instances == id
image[mask,:] = colors[:,idx]
return instances, image
return instances